
Did julius maddox bench 800
Did julius maddox bench 800

did julius maddox bench 800

This is not a place for your personal records, articles or videologs unless you meet specific requirements. But then 33-year-old Maddox decided that he wanted to be a demi-god and go for an 800 lb bench press as part of the Beasts of The Bench event earlier this year. He already attempted to lift it twice in sanctioned powerlifting events, so he expected the third time to be the charm. Maddox became a bench pressing sensation last August when he set the world bench press record at 739.6 pounds, surpassing the former record of 738.5 pounds held by Kirill Sarychev. Related: Julius Maddox Loses Control Doing Big 740lb Bench Press Double. Julius Maddox, although holding the official World Record, has long aspired to achieve an 800-pound bench press. A post shared by Julius Maddox (irregularstrength) on at 5:47pm PDT. This is not a place for overdone and nonconstructive complaints and criticisms about elements of the sport that you don't like, ESPECIALLY IF YOU DON'T ACTUALLY TAKE PART IN THE SPORT. He attempted but failed a 790 lb bench press a few months later. Thanks to all of you for your love and support. This is not a place for generic lifting questions not related to the sport of powerlifting. Follow my journey in the week leading up to my 800lb world record bench press attempt outside Wrigley Field. This is not a place for questions that can be answered via a quick google search. A post doesn't have to violate a rule to not meet our criteria. From this moment on, he set his sights on being the first man to bench press 800 pounds raw. Maddox set the all-time mark of 782 pounds in February 2021 during the World Raw Powerlifting Federation Hybrid Showdown III.


A place where mods WILL delete any post we feel is not a good fit, regardless of any sidebar or FAQ statements. Maddox was able to complete a huge 796-pound raw bench press recently. A place to post theory, discussion and information that will make us better lifters. A place to discuss the sport of Powerlifting and the training of the lifts. It's a request for a program critique, a form check, or "how is my progress". It's a discussion of any other strengths sport or athletes from those sports. Julius Maddox Bench Presses New PR of 361 Kilograms (796 Pounds) Raw in. It's not specifically about powerlifting or only very tangentially related. Bench Press World Record julius maddox Maddox to attempt 800-pound bench press. It pertains to only you and not the larger community. Larry Wheels Attempts 700 Pound Bench Press in YouTube video Written by Roger Lockridge Last updated on November 11th, 2019 After Julius Maddox benched the. You want to sell us a product or do market research. Your thread belongs in the daily thread or one of the other weekly threads if: It's a video of an elite level lifter during competition or comp-specific training.

did julius maddox bench 800

It's a thread that is specifically about powerlifting and promotes community discussion. It's an interesting article or video of an elite or interesting lift relevant to the sport. Get Flair Your thread belongs on the main board if:

Did julius maddox bench 800